Allotment Life

Welcome to my world: digging, harvesting and other stuff

Category: Home renovations

15 Posts

my slice of life blog

Coming from my slice of life to help you find more joy in yours

Postcards from the Plot

seasonal wellbeing from Country Gate

Allotment Life

Welcome to my world: digging, harvesting and other stuff

My Tiny Welsh Garden

Cultivating the art of patience while gardening in a small space

Rosie Amber

Book reviewer and garden enthusiast. Updates from my Hampshire garden. Usually talking about books and plants. People do not forget books or flowers that touch them or excite them—they recommend them.

Cornwall in Colours

inspired by the colours of the land, sea and sky of Cornwall


a London garden

The happy Quitter!

It started when I gave up smoking and went from there!


THE personal finance resource for vets

feminine soul from the heart of greece

The Nostalgic Gardener

Plants, veg and chickens: a cottage garden on the edge of Brussels

Into the Light Adventures

By Sandra Js Photography - Make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Claire's chaotic middle age

The adventures during middle age. Life, days out and everything in between.

Mimi At 15b

Allotment | Food | Lifestyle | Sustainability |Travel

Hannah Cowie

Make It, Fix It, Recreate It - Multi-Crafter, Seamstress and Upcycler

Laidback Gardener

Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world


Garden fresh, flowers, perennials, vegetables, fruit, preserves, baking, recipes, vegan and omnivorous

Cornwall Nan

Growing our own, recipes, natural living, remembering Matthew, Foods for health

Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog

Mommy blogger, who loves to share what she loves!

Cook the Book: A Life Without Garlic

I'm Becs, and I have a garlic intolerance. This causes hell in modern cuisine and recipes. This blog is all about how I adapt food around my intolerance, all the while attempting to cook through an entire recipe book!

A life botanic

A blog about growing stuff.

Anise to Za'atar

Telling stories through global comfort food

Audrey Driscoll's Blog

Elements and Transformations

Always Learning HQ

Always Learning • Always Growing

Dreamwalker's Garden

Growing Your Own Produce and Remedies