Taking stock and things to do


I have a list of ten things to complete before March 2017 and it feels daunting.  When overwhelm strikes I tend to do three things:

1.  Something different and easier to give the brain and chance to stop whirring and time to catch up with itself.

2. Look back and take stock of what I’ve achieved and give myself a break.

3. Get on with it.

Here’s plot 48 after 10 months, around half the plot has been tamed and organised. I’ve been able to move the pear and apple trees, roses and peonies from plot 34.


Here’s what is left to do before I can simply get on with and enjoy the process of growing.


  1. Complete the hugel beds
  2. Build the doors, finish the timber base rails
  3. Wait for a warm, calm spring day to add the polythene


  1. Add paving stones outside greenhouse and cement to base in hope this will stop the base corners from leaking.
  2. Lay the freecycle block paving to make a level floor
  3. Add a bubblewrap layer to create a cosy insulated space and protect young seedlings from scorch
  4. Move the shelving from plot 34 to this greenhouse
  5. Move seedlings and transplants from existing polytunnel

Fruit cage

I had planned to site the blueberry cage at the top left of the plot, where the bins are but now realise this area is in total shade throughout the winter, so I need a re-think.

  1. Dismantle existing cage and re-erect (decide location soon!)
  2. Find a nice man with a van to transport 5 potted blueberry bushes and two dwarf peach trees

Potting shed

This is a nice to have, but I have the space and it would be a shame to leave behind plot 34’s purple shed.  I’ll be able to store the root crops and fruit as well as have a warm, dry spot for pottering.

Asparagus bed

This is already marked out, just need to prep with manure, sharp sand and gravel.

Cutting patch

This is by the polytunnel and will need to be dug over again with manure and compost added.  Still deciding whether to make this as a raised bed – 12×4 is a lot of soil.

Although I’ve demonstrated it’s possible to clear and cultivate an overgrown plot within 12 months, it’s also completely bonkers.  I’m only in this position as I have limited time left at my old site.  I certainly would not advocate this as good practice ‘taming’ to anyone else. It’s worth reminding myself and everyone else that it took four years before all of plot 34 was fully cultivated.

I’m taking today off and then it’s back at the plot tomorrow to get another hugel bed completed.

Wishing you all a very happy and productive 2017