The winter sown rocket has bolted indicating it was time to get ready for the summer crops. The bed has been cleared. I carefully lifted and potted the flat leaf parsley so I can plant it in the front garden – fingers crossed.

The peach tree that appeared to be dead in 2022 has had a growth spurt, making it difficult to fit in its customary corner spot – some light pruning will be scheduled later on in the summer. Opposite is a fig tree, destined for the plot and the other peach tree in the unlabelled category. Interesting to note that neither tree has any sign of peach leaf curl, remarkable as they spent most of last year outside although they have been under cover since November.

I have five varieties of tomato: Black Russian, Sweet aperitif, Coure di Bue, Roma and Orange Wellington and I usually grow three of each – this may be pushing the capacity of a 8×12 tunnel. I’ve set out the pots – it seems doable, but not necessarily sensible.

The dahlia pots are temporary residents and will be planted out mid/late May.

The Carmen cucumbers will be against the left side of the tunnel (in place of the dahlias) and I’ll use the prepared bed for early lettuce, spinach and the dwarf french beans.

This will be the first time I’ve had a polytunnel set up with just soil and no borders. Would you add bark chippings to the path or will that encourage pests?

The tomatoes are still at seedling stage, having just developed their first set of true leaves, so I have a while to ponder doable vs sensible.

Come back in May to find out which side won!