Hello again. This is getting to be a bit of a habit, in the best possible way. This week I have six things from the front garden to share with you. This space is about the size of the garden I had pre-Gulag and I’ve enjoyed planning, planting and watching it grow. What I didn’t expect and which has been a lovely bonus is how much my neighbours and local community also appreciate the garden.

As always, it’s thanks to Jim our host who makes this weekly sharing possible. Remember to call by Garden Ruminations to meet the other sixers.

  1. The bigger picture. Here’s a couple of shots of the whole space; from the house and then from the street. I’m very pleased with the citrus green of the oregano and the shape its forming. In the second, you can see a very healthy Chandos Beauty rose. It seems to have settled well, I just hope it can withstand the baking afternoon sun. Do you see the very large grey pot? What would you plant in it? I was thinking the fig because it won’t get regularly watered – all ideas welcome.

2. Amelanchier ‘Obelisk’ A new addition this year; it’s been winking at me in the garden centre for a few months. As the name suggests, it has an upright habit. The label tells me it is ideal for a small space and that I should be watering it at least twice per week in its first year, but apart from the watering in, it’s hardly stopped raining since. You can also see the extent of the slug damage on the foxgloves below it.

3. Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’ This did well last year. One branch had a growth spurt, I’ve trimmed it back a little, hoping the rest will catch up, otherwise there will be more trimming.

4. Lilac Planted last spring, moved in the autumn and now flowering. I’m pleased with the colour combinations here.

5. Herbaceousness This is my ploy to fit 9 into 6! First up is Antirrhinum apple blossom who is going for perennial status and showing off some very promising flower spikes. This year’s crop is still at seedling stage in the greenhouse. Then the newly cut back clump of Penstemon Raven and finally Veronicastrum Diane. I thought these had been lost having put up with being moved and then stomped all over by the window cleaner but no, all three have returned and hopefully will start to make an impressive clump of towering white spikes later in the year.

6. Charles Austin rose I planted two earlier this year and they’re making good growth, although this one has a dominant leader that will need checking. There must be something in the soil on this side of the patch that encourages wonky growth. I selected a shrub rose in the hope they will appreciate the unrelenting afternoon sun.

That’s my nine into six. Enjoy your weekend, it’s going to be a bit breezy.